Assertiveness is the answer to How to be yourself
Assertiveness helps in improving personal life by controlling your stress and anger and improves coping skills. As you become more and more assertive you gain greater social acceptance and credibility. Your family respects your values, emotions, beliefs, and freedom. Society accepts your right to freedom.
Being assertive is usually perceived as a trustworthy and friendly communication style. Being assertive offers many personal benefits. It helps you find your inner identity, regain self-respect and social recognition.
Assertiveness teaches you not just to say artificial “yeah that’s right” or “yeah-yeah!” – in any party or get-together in parks or when you are in your dinner table with your visitors or elderly parents. Being assertive is not spoiling the party or talk by blurting bluntly “hey that’s a nonsense –you fool”, or “what a rubbish – never heard that!” Assertiveness is the answer to How to be yourself.
Assertiveness is the warmth and radiance of morning sun. When you talk – you talk. People around you listen. They feel the warmth of your words. Assertiveness is happy to see all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding. People, strangers start looking into your eyes. They open up their heart. They talk.
Maybe at that moment, someone around you hurt starts thinking “we can be a real family, together”. Assertive communication is such a warm healthy communication that helps in forgiving the past, not keeping the future in mind, but savouring the present moments.
Learning to be more assertive can help you effectively express your feelings when communicating with others about issues. If you don’t open up your heart, people will not accept you.
Behaving assertive can help you in:
- Regain your self-confidence and self-esteem
- Make people understand and recognize your feelings
- You can earn respect from others
- You can improve your communication, speak fluently
- Add value to the life of you and the people around by creating win-win situations
- Listen to your heart when making difficult decisions
- Create honest relationships
- Gain more job satisfaction
Zac Efron once quoted: “I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight, but of course I believe in two people having chemistry right away. A girl should be really easy to talk to. When I lose track of time because we’ve been talking, I think that’s really fun.”
The successful talking chemistry is all about assertiveness. People, even celebrities sometimes forget to respect and protect their identity in order to gain popular acceptance. Stevie Nicks once lamented: “Singing is the love of my life, but I was ready to give it all up because I couldn’t handle people talking about how fat I was.”
But assertiveness, her love for personal rights and freedom made her an iconic figure of these millennia. Listen to Stevie: “Do you want to be an artist and a writer, or a wife and a lover? With kids, your focus changes. I don’t want to go to PTA meetings.” Her rationale is:
My generation fought very hard for feminism, and we fought very hard to not be labelled as you had to have a husband or you had to be in a relationship, or you were somehow not a cool chick.
At the end, Assertiveness is the answer to How to be yourself.

Sayak takes care of both recruitments and assessment projects of The HR Monks team. He loves helping people finding their dream job.
He started his journey in career leaving the shores of Waiting for Godot and found The HR Monks a better place, where he can change the lives of people by helping them achieve their dreams.
He has been to quite a fewer place across India and loves to travel. He loves two books, in particular, one Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and the other The Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer.