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When the hiring officer or recruiter asks you in Job Interview “Why should we hire you?” he/she is really trying to judge “what makes you the best fit for the job role in the company?” If you wish to make a mark through your answer to this question should be a concise “sales pitch” that explains what you can offer the employer in terms of value or in other terms what are the unique values you can add to the organization you have applied for. Clearly, the HR is judging your USP here. We shall discuss some best job interview tips on how should you answer – Why should we hire you?

Remember that employers hire workers to solve a problem with out of the box solutions, whether it’s boosting sales or streamlining processes or building a brand. Today the millennial candidates are judged in interviews on their ability to innovate things or solutions, or how they can present things differently. Your goal when making your pitch is to show that you’re the best person to solve that problem or solving things with an out of the box solutions. The better you portray yourself in the same vein, the better your chances of grabbing the job. Take this as one of the invaluable Job Interview Tips from us.

Why should we hire you? – Best Job Interview Answer Tips:

#1. Review the Job Description: Have a detailed look at the job description (JD) of your job role. Study and make a list of the requirements for the position, including personality traits, skills, and qualifications. Find out what are the qualities you have that fit these requirements.

You can always bet on accomplishments and success stories, especially if you can describe how a key accomplishment (a successful marketing campaign, for example) demonstrates the desired competency (creativity, results-orientation). Keep your answer to be brief, crisp and concise – not more than a minute or two long.

Now jot down what are real-life or actual job incidents you have accomplished which tally with the qualities you have that fit these requirements of your job description. And prepare theses answers beforehand before your actual interview. Remember how you say this rather than what do you say matter more. So, choose your voice, tone, and pitch carefully.

#2. Find out your USPs: Every Job Interview is a sales pitch. You need to sell yourself in the job interview to get selected. The interviewer wants to know how you stand out among the other applicants. Therefore, you should focus on one or two qualities you possess that are different from what other interviewees might offer or are more difficult to find in candidates generally. To find this you need to do a SWOT analysis which I mentioned in one of my previous blogs on Job interview tips.

#3.Practice a lot: Assertiveness is a magical skill which can do wonders if you can acquire this. Because it’s also very important to come across as confident and enthusiastic when you deliver your pitch. In a next blog, I shall explain to you what assertiveness is all about. But till then long before you attempt to crack interviews try improving your body language. You must make them believe in you — your abilities and your commitment.You gesture and postures matters when you speak at interviews. This decides what the interviewers think about your self-confidence. And this can only improve through mock interview session.

So, these are the best job interview answer tips if you are asked you in job interviews “Why should we hire you?” If you know any other Job Interview Tips on how to answer this question please leave your suggestion in the comment box below.