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Why time is a crucial factor in terms of recruitment and selection? Because, we all have 24 hours a day, but how we use it makes all the difference. A smart candidate is always time hungry. They simply hate to go slow. He/she doesn’t waste an iota of time. Time lost to them is opportunity to build a better career lost. Their philosophy in life is like Bruce Lee, spending time on procrastination is killing jobs or dreams.

Bruce Lee said: “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” Today management is too wary to be efficient in every aspect of recruitment and selection. But at times this legacy of perfectionism kill our effectiveness in doing things right. We fear to take risk, as we fear loss.

There are many a blog, article on how bad hires can be costly. And surveys have portrayed the fact of staggering costs of wrong hires. But are you aware of one of the primary reason of wrong hire today? It’s time. Rather taking too much time to zero in on suitable candidate’s profiles for any vacant position. Today time is a crucial factor in recruitment and selection.

We all know about what are the phases you go in recruitment and selection process. You contact certain vendors for recruitment. They take 3-4 days to deliver resumes. You shortlist resume, send it back to vendors and ask them to schedule interviews. The candidates throw tantrums. Your interviews get delayed. After interview of multiple rounds you give the final verdict to vendors. They start negations with candidates and then God what not!

What if we cut short all this stuff? Recruitment Process re-Engineering is a movement which eliminates the traditional time-guzzling recruitment and selection procedures and cut things to size.

Before planning this process called recruitment process re-engineering, thoroughly conducts a reality check. The data and results bring forth astonishing facts. In West companies had also done surveys and conducted research on what are the basic lacunae behind wrong hires. They found time is a most crucial factor in recruitment and selection.

You will find that not the HR inefficiency is the reason behind wrong hires. It’s the slow moving process in selection campaigns are the real monsters. Time is the most crucial factor in terms of effective recruitment and selection. Now why time is a crucial factor in terms of recruitment and selection?

Few factors you should keep in mind about today’s job applicants, especially millennial candidates. They are too short of patience and most of them like quick decisions. They love to stay engaged 24×7 and connected real time.

In US, companies which takes more than 2 weeks time to declare shortlisted candidates, finds half of the applicants have jumped boat to other companies. A celebrity CEO once mailed to a company in West, which contacted him for a stint in their company. After a month’s delayed response, the CEO lashed out in a cold letter that he is not interested anymore for a stint. He elaborated if the company takes so long for such an important decision; surely it shows poor work culture. And he is not interested to any organization which harbours such poor work culture.

Think also from the stakeholder’s point of view (the vendors). If they get response after 20-50 days after they had sent resumes, mostly top notch candidates have been fished away by rival companies by then. Only the not-so-good candidates would wait. And by that time they must have started harbouring serious concern about Client’s brand.

There are other issues also. But till then we hope you have understood why time is a crucial factor in terms of recruitment and selection.