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Achievers live their dreams while ordinary folks many a times leave their dreams behind and moves on to a slow decaying life. What are the make or break differences between ordinary folks and any achiever?

Genius achievers just walk the talk. To them “The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.” They achieve success by going through rigorous training, day in -day out.

Why should you impart training?

In management circle, there is a stale joke going abuzz nowadays. Do you remember this stuff?

CFO: What happens if we train them and they leave? 

CEO: What happens if we don’t and they stay?

Knowledge, skills, attitude, emotional intelligence, work environment there are many ingredients for success.  The skills you need today, tomorrow they are no more talents. Success is defined by time. As people walk in life – the quest for life becomes a journey, not a destination.

Human resource pumps lifeblood in your enterprise. You need to impart training round the year through a properly designed training calendar. Training gives the ROI back what you give away as salaries and perks to your employees.

Calculate this. Your trainees draw not less than INR 10 k per month +other benefits. Executives earn at least INR 15-25 k in between every month +medical benefits +perks +TA+ other facilities.

So a trainee earns approx. INR 1.5 lac /Year and executive more or less 3 lacs/ year. Do you even earmark INR 10 K/employee for training even in a whole calendar year?

Is training a waste of time?

With changing time in our life, we notice sharp bends. Our competence faces the acid test. We then need to unlearn, re-learn and learn to stop our talents and skills de-growing.

Abraham Lincoln famously quoted:

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my axe.

We know assets depreciates. So are human skills. Attitude even changes in the face of repeated failures.

Peculiarly the best employee often promoted becomes an arrogant Supervisor. Multiple employees of the year award winner when becomes a manager keeps on missing targets.

Leadership, organizational skills, managerial acumen and time management needs are fertilized by new soft skills such as adaptability, critical thinking, optimism, pro-activity and resilience, assertiveness training etc.

Soft skills are a plant of slow growth. They take time and care. They can’t be taught – they are to be developed subtly.

How to understand “Whom” to teach “What”?

Earlier there was no training calendar.  Training was a one-time affair in a year – employees of one rank would flock together and have a 3-5 days gala outing.

Time have changed. Training has got serious with time. Both soft skills and hard skills including technical skills workshops are a necessity today. As no one shoe fits all – you as an HR manager should focus on Training Need Surveys before scheduling training.

Better to build a training calendar which may keep employees dotted on training classes.

How to transform training to development based on learning?

Training does not necessarily transform into learning curves. Development of any person depends on his/her degree of learning.

So the focus should be on the word “learning” – not on “Training” or “Development”. Learning itself can take care of development.

One needs to understand the difference between “Child” learning and “Adult” learning. Adult learning most of the time is based on two factors: “Autonomy” and “Learning by Experience”. Other string attached to this is “emotional barriers”. One good thing they believe in is they prefer a “Learning Community”.

Isaac Asimov & Benjamin Franklin, in these respective quotes have shown two beautiful aspects of adult learning:

“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.”

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”