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Here are 5 rules of job hunting – which will help candidates to adapt to new age employees.

More and more organizations are changing the way about how they will be looking for top talents. Keeping this in mind talents must change the way how to look for new jobs and create a job-fit in a new environment.

According to various studies, a lot will be changing in the Job Market in India. The IT Industry will come up with more layoffs while the other Industries will infuse more talents. Keeping the global impact of economic slowdown in mind the Indian job industry will shift strategically to a new type of employment practices. Thus, the rules of job hunting need changes too.

The upheaval of the job market in last 3-4 years has sent many experienced workers scrambling to update their resumes, only to find that the job search rules they had been following have fundamentally changed.

Experts say these changes were brought on only partly by the soft job market, and aren’t likely to go away if the economy improves.

For most job-seekers, finding a new job takes significant time, effort, and hard work. Some job-seekers, though, waste valuable time by mistakenly using weak and ineffective job-search techniques. Now keeping track of only top job-sites or job search sites will not help you with job hunting.

The most important source of job leads will be people in your network. Thus, keeping a hawk eye on social media job updates will help you stay miles ahead of your competitors. Recruitment via social media is here to stay. This is one of the most important job hunting tips.

To master this whole new ballgame, you need to understand the top 5 Rules of Job Hunting. Take a glimpse at the best job-hunting tips for your career planning, – those who understand how to play effectively with the changing scenario of 2018 will stand a much better chance of winning.

So, if you’ve been out of the job market for a while, get to know these 5 ways in which the job search has changed:

1. Examine your Job Fit:

Do not apply to every job listing that comes your way. Job hunting is not a hit and trial method anymore.

If you don’t know the type of job(s) you’re qualified for in terms of job fit, you will be beating around the bush.

You need to understand and examine your innate job competencies. There is a difference between your job competencies and skills. This is the primary rules of job hunting.

Don’t waste your time trying to get the wrong job. Know the function and the role you will excel in and enjoy being part of. Take time to research the jobs you are qualified for — jobs that also interest you.

2. Create a robust Online Footprint:

If you’re not adapting to the social media landscape, you’re missing out. You can grow your network more than ever before by using online professional networking tools. If you do things right your reach will be phenomenal.

But using social media in your job search requires daily practice. Recruiters will consider your profile seriously only if you exist on social and professional networking sites with lots of contents, blogs, and other activities.

But be careful in cultivating your online image, if your profile found to be unprofessional, it can keep turning away potential employers. You must be diligently asking for recommendations from right people, building your network constantly and keep on updating your profile. This is one of the most important rules of job hunting.

3. Understand your Unique Selling Point:

It’s critical that you understand the key characteristics that make you unique in the job market — that makes you stand above other similar job-seekers.

Observe how recruiters are categorizing you or seeing the potential of your profile. If necessary you need to change your profile in social media, job sites, and your resume. If you are feeling recruiters are not giving you right profile or not giving due acceptance to your talents, be upfront and correct their mistakes.

You also must be able to communicate your unique selling attributes effectively in your job-search correspondence and in the job interview.

4. Bring Clarity to your Profile:

How your project yourself in your profile, posted on a job site, matters the most.

Have a clean and clear resume highlighting your job-related competencies; use the right keywords on online job portals and make sure your CV does not end up confusing the recruiters whereby you keep getting calls for the wrong jobs!

The cover letter and resume combination that will help you get noticed by a prospective employer is one that is clearly tailored to the job opening and employer.

Every resume and cover letter you submit to an employer must show your unique fit to the position and the employer. Don’t forget to use keywords that the employer uses to describe the ideal candidate, as well as words the organization uses to describe itself.

5. Keep Abreast of the Changes in Job Market:

Not a single day should pass that you do not achieve something related to your job search.

Try applying to a job opening frequently, going on for a job interview, following up a job lead or after a job interview, attending a job fair, requesting or going on an informational interview almost daily.

Researching prospective employers, or catching up with a network contact regularly is a necessity. This is an important rule of job hunting. Technology has allowed candidates to easily research companies and hiring managers, and companies now expect you to do this before you apply for any new job.

The rules of job hunting wants you to brand your candidature and market your profile in a better way.  

It’s time to gear up with crystal clarity and massive confidence in your competencies that can actually be your USP and land you to the so-called perfect job fit.