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Most of us see our parents as a role model. And to many of us, our mother is a source of life-long inspiration!

As a manager, you must have read hundreds of lessons in management and have solved hundreds of case studies on management. But did you ever think that the best manager in the world is at your home only?

Yes, she is none other than your sweet Mom! She may not hold an MBA degree from a well-reputed university and may not have worked as a manager of a corporate, but she knows well how to manage your family! Have you ever thought, what are the qualities you as a manager can easily learn from your mother?

1. Be Patient:

Think about how you grew up as kind. What titanic patience your mother had to make you learn new things. How she smiled at your mistakes and patiently showed you the right path to success.

Just like kids, your employees need the chance to learn, absorb and develop into their careers. They are bound to make mistakes. It’s a process.

As a manager, it’s your job to be patient and provide them with the tools and resources to become successful. Cultivate your employees as if you were coaching your own children and experience how they love you back in return!

2. Coordination:

A mother must manage the expectations at all the levels of a family and if there is any conflict, she is the first one who must listen and provide a solution.

She has to ensure everything runs smoothly daily in family and she has to make the optimum use of resources to run a family. She ensures everybody does the right thing at the right time and coordinates the activities of different family members to create harmony in the family.

Whenever things go wrong and there is a possibility of corrective action from her side, she willingly accepts it and takes necessary corrective action.

So, these are the qualities managers can learn easily from their mother.

3. Well Planned:

Having kids drastically decreases the amount of time mothers’ have in the day while exponentially increasing the demands and obligations they have. They make the best strategy for managing time in order to take it all on.

A mother is naturally efficient in making the budget of the family. She forecasts well and she always keeps a surplus and makes proper planning for future requirements. She is an epitome of an efficient planner for the aspects of the family.

Managers can learn these natural and efficient planning abilities to run an organization from a mother.

4. Believe in Self:

A mother is a real heroine, because of her strength, courage, and bravery. Though many obstacles come in her life, she never gives up or loses hope.

She always proves that women are capable enough to sort out their problems on their own. A mother’s life is synonymous with hardships, but she always deals with those problems bravely. She never doubts her abilities. She is the last person to give up!

Managers can learn a lot about this quality of love and care of mothers which gives them endless belief in self. Employees are the blood of an organization. They are the foundation upon which the managers can bank upon.

5. Be Self-Dependent:

Being a leader requires stamina, tenacity, patience, and compassion for others – but most importantly he/she should be able to chalk the course of action all by the self.

As a mother, she has these skills embedded in her DNA. How many times have you seen her not fulfilling her obligations? So, a manager can easily learn how to be self-dependent by looking at his/her mother.

6. Always Motivates Others:

A mother teaches us how to handle problems without getting nervous. She encourages and motivates us. She also teaches us the lessons of loving everything that we do, to believe in the goodness of life and patiently bear with our struggles.

You as a manager can easily learn this quality of being a constant powerhouse of motivation from your mother and motivate your employees in all of their ups and downs!

What are the qualities managers can easily learn from any mother? The list is endless, here we have mentioned only a few.