No matter how good recruitment process or development process you are having in your organization, if your employees are not motivated towards their works it is very difficult to retain them.
Motivation meaning is very simple “what motivates one” and in terms of organization it means “what motivates the employees”, but if motivation is not there among the employees it can affect the organization adversely.
You can recruit the best-performing employee for your organization but if he/she doesn’t get the motivation then he/she will not be able to perform. Motivation is very much important for performing. Its same like you don’t like painting but still, you are painting. So you very well know how the painting will turn out to be.
In fact, motivation is one of the factors that connects the employee with the organization. If your employee gets the motivation from your organization the chances are that the employee will be associated with your organization for long.
Saying that motivation is very important for retaining employees, “What is that motivates the employees?” is more important. Many organizations think and consider that motivation is always monetary. But in most cases, it is not. It is always not necessary that each and every employee will get motivated with monetary benefits only. In fact, this is one of the blunders that organizations do by giving monetary benefits to every employee.
There was a company who are into financial markets and every year they designed very lucrative monetary incentive plans for the employees. But at the end of every year, it was found that only a few of them would qualify for the incentives. Since the same was repeating since 3-4 years they approached a consulting firm to understand the same. The management was failing to understand why the majority of the employees are not qualifying for the incentives. The consulting company after having several sittings with the department heads designed a motivational factor surveys for the employees. The result that came out after the survey was an eye-opener. It was found that the majority of the employees are more motivated with holiday packages. The management after analyzing the survey report designed different international tour packages for different levels, and in that year it was seen the almost around 69% of the employees have qualified for the same.
So, “motivation” and “what motivates” has a very thin line in between. It is very important to find out what motivates your employees rather than just guess working and designing motivational benefits for them. After all, when the employees are motivated they not only stay for long but they perform also very well, which in return brings profits for your organization.

Polly is part of the great old monks family, from where The HR Monks has grown into a big family. She has witnessed the birth and growth of this organization and supported the organization in all seasons.
She loves painting, and she is greatly influenced by ZIg Ziglar. Currently, she is busy in sketching the destiny of The HR Monks, which is striving to be into the league of Top 10 Executive search firms in the SME sector. She loves innovation and experimenting with things, and dreams of touching all the corners of the Globe one day.
She has another mission, which is helping the specially privileged children getting the proper education. This is one of her dream projects.